Thursday, November 28, 2019


THE MAIN ASPECTS OF ESTABLISHING A STEM CELL LABORATORY Essay THE MAIN ASPECTS OF ESTABLISHING A STEM CELL LABORATORY Human root cells are alone as they undergo self reclamation and distinction to go specialised cells one time given the right signals. The promise of root cell research in understanding the cell biological science, regenerative medical specialty and as drug showing has made this research an exciting country to research. Hence, despite its ethical issues, root cells are continuously being studied by set uping more root cell research labs. However, to bring forth robust, consistent and dependable informations, several of import facets must be reviewed and can be done by sing established research labs and acquiring penetrations from experient users. This is to guarantee the efficiency and effectivity of the civilization and experimentation and to forestall waste ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . The undermentioned treatments are depicting about the basic human embryologic root cell ( hESC ) academic research lab with the concluding stuff is non intended for human application and with engagemen t of animate being in vivo surveies. We will write a custom essay on THE MAIN ASPECTS OF ESTABLISHING A STEM CELL LABORATORY specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now There are two chief facets to be considered in set uping a root cell research lab which can be categorized into administrative program and physical program. Administrative program involves set uping protocols, seeking blessings, coverage and certification and meanwhile physical program involves planing and layout of the research lab, equipment and forces ( Wesselschmidt A ; Schwartz, 2013 ) . Stem cells derived from human embryos are confronting with ethical issues hence permissions and blessings must be granted before get downing the research. In the United Kingdom, there is a system called Integrated Research Application System ( IRAS ) to seek relevant blessings from HFEA, Research Ethic Committee ( REC ) , and NHS A ; R A ; D Office in a individual application procedure as shown in Table 1. As there will be carnal in vivo surveies, the surveies must be conducted under license from Home Office. Documentation including developing protocols is of import to be recorded in laborato ry note books. Protocols can be deviated from standard processs and the version of a protocol is used must be mentioned so that the best proficient processs or the consequence of altering processs can be traced. If any legal struggle arises, laboratory note books are acceptable groundss which maintaining records of all original work and neglect to make so can even do abjuration of publications. It is helpful to document the processs in organized and structured mode such as typical processs shown in Table 2. In fact, this good scientific pattern promotes efficient usage of research resources ( Inamdar, et al. , 2012 ) . Regulator Description HFEA The independent regulator for IVF intervention and embryo research To supply information to the public and policy shapers about the research To licence and supervise human embryologic research Regulates the storage of embryos REC To safeguard the rights, self-respect and public assistance of people involved in the wellness research Laboratory research that uses embryologic cell line ( s ) requires REC Favourable Opinion NHS A ; R A ; D Office An extra to ethical blessing Must acquire the permission before the surveies start To claim insurance/indemnity Table 1.Regulators to seek for permissions and blessings related to human embryologic root cells in the United Kingdom. Adapted from UK Stem Cell Tool Kit hypertext transfer protocol: // Documentation Reception of cell lines Passaging root cells Preparation of cultural media Preparation of feeder cells Preparation of root cell lines for analysis Cryopreservation of root cell lines in liquid N shop Dissolving root cell lines from liquid N shop Table 2.Some of specified documented protocols in the root cell civilization research lab. Modified from ( Inamdar, 2012 ) . The range of work such as the Numberss and types of cell lines to be cultured and the figure of people will work in the research lab with their assigned undertakings must be clearly defined. Besides that, care of the root cell lines and their word picture should be taken into history. If there is more than one cell lines are cultured at the same time, the precautions to forestall cross-contamination must be taken. The manner new cell lines are being introduced, how are they traveling to be kept or quarantined ( storage ) for long usage, the care, the proper disposal of waste should be questioned and answered clearly. Basically the root cell research lab is non much different from the other cell civilization laboratories despites some extra particular techniques because of the singularity of the root cells behaviour ( Wesselschmidt A ; Schwartz, 2013 ) . .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .postImageUrl , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:hover , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:visited , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:active { border:0!important; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:active , .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14 .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u486fa3713d50b56ac721320859a0ee14:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Arctic EssayPhysical Plan Preplanning of research lab design and layout foremost and foremost must be based on the budget. This is to guarantee long term cost and uninterrupted support in keeping the root cell civilizations. ( Wesselschmidt A ; Schwartz, 2013 ) . The primary consideration in planing the cell civilization research lab is to supply the ambiance that does non pollute the cells and the people around. Thus, in the instance of redesigning the research lab, the location and its anterior usage must be checked to avoid any possible taints ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . Lab Design Thin rule can be introduced to cut down work travel around research lab and cross-contamination ( Griffiths et al. , n.d. ) . The layout of research lab as shown in Figure 1 is designed to suit six chief indispensable demands which are unfertile handling, readying, incubation, wash-up, sterilisation and storage every bit described in Table 3. The readying country supposed to be following to wash-up and sterilization countries meanwhile the sterile working country is accessible to the storage and brooders ( Freshney, 1994 ) . The supply of liquid N and CO2is needed in cell civilization research lab, therefore their installing and handling must be given serious attending. The gases must be filtered from bugs, firmly fixed, and its location must be far from cell civilization work to avoid taint during replacing. The full cognition about equipment is necessary to guarantee its right map. The research lab should hold a dependable electric supply with the proviso of uninterrupted power supply ( UPS ) for indispensable equipments in cell civilization processs such as category II cabinets, air filter and brooders ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . Lab Operation The nucleus of root cell research lab operation is requirement for regular cleansing by its well-trained staff and rigorous monitoring processs by a nominative member. Appropriate airing must be provided to avoid possible beginnings of moistness or fungous growing. As the lab do non hold a â€Å"clean room† , it can utilize a high quality air conditioner and dehumidifiers together with hygienic patterns such as the usage of laminar flow goon, disposable points, clean gloved custodies and germicide with 70 % isopropyl alcohol in H2O ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . Facilities or Equipments Considerations Sterile country Clean, quiet and no through traffic. Separate from carnal house and microbiological research labs. Preparation country Better to hold prep room and civilization country separated. Wash-up country Sink. To guarantee the custodies are free from sources before and after the experiment. Get entree to the running H2O when in demand e.g. combustion, chemical spill. Tissue civilization country Class II Biosafety Cabinet ( BSC ) Carbon monoxide2brooder. Microscopy Phase-contrast microscope. Dissecting microscope. Photo port. Water bath 37 EsC changeless temperature. Centrifuge machine Low velocity extractor. Vacuum beginning Portable. Supplied by the edifice. 2-L Erlenmeyer flasks with in-line filter To roll up aspirate. Pipet Automatic pipettor, rechargeable, Pasteur pipetor. Micropipettors 2, 20, 200 and 100  µl Storage countries: Liquids – ambient – 4EsC – 20EsC Glassware. Plastics. Specialized equipment – closet, drawer. Small points. Chemicals – ambient – 4EsC – 20EsC ( maintain in certain container ) . Liquid N2deep-freeze. Table 3. Essential demands in tissue civilization installations. Modified from ( Wesselschmidt A ; Schwartz, 2013 A ; Freshney,1994 ) . Figure 1. The layout of the root cell research lab with next washing-up country, sterilisation country, readying country, disposal, the storage and the civilization country suitable for 20 to 30 individuals. Image modified from ( Freshney, 1994 ) . Embryonic Stem Cell Culture Analysis and Quality Control Upon having the new root cell lines, they must be quarantined until mycoplasma testing is done. Mycoplasma can distribute quickly between civilizations and cause defect to cell lines ( Young et Al, 2010 ) . Feeder cells besides should be tested with this trial and if the feeder cells are derived from mouse embryo, they must undergo microbiological trial ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .postImageUrl , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:hover , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:visited , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:active { border:0!important; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:active , .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4 .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udd2efb39e0f99d97bf82acdb662fa6c4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mother Teresa (4046 words) EssayIt is important to supervise hESC civilizations as they can undergo familial impetus over clip as they are being kept for a long clip. Karyotyping must be done every bit shortly as the cells are obtained to see the alterations. Besides that, in order to guarantee their pluripotency, several checks can be done routinely such as look intoing for antibody markers through immunofluorescent staining or quantitative PCR and observation of cell morphology. The gilded criterion to guarantee pluripotency is through formation of teratoma tumour in immune-deficient mouse by transfering a hESC cell line ( Lyons et al. , 2007 ) . Skilled Forces Staff must be competent to carry through their responsibilities efficaciously therefore they must be equipped with necessary preparations such as in managing research lab safety and equipments, sterile techniques, cell banking, word picture of cell lines and their safety testing, quality control and record direction ( Inamdar et al. , 2012 ) . The cognition of methods to maintain the hESC in uniform cells is important. For the clip being mechanization is non necessary in root cell civilization as it requires eyes to passage the cells and to find their feeder is subjective. Second, the protocol is developing and the research workers are bettering with it therefore there is no demand for mechanization as the process might alter in the undermentioned experiment ( Koppal, 2013 ) . In decision, in order to run a successful root cell research lab such considerations must be reviewed which includes certification and blessings, established Standard Operating Procedures, research lab planning and design, proper equipment and electric supplies, quality control and skilled forces in order to guarantee smooth operations and consistent informations. Mentions Freshney, IR. Laboratory Design and Layout. In: Ian Freshney, R. , editor. Culture of Animal Cells: a manual of basic technique. 5. New Jersey: John Wiley A ; Sons ; 1994. p. 19-23. Griffiths, T. , Peto, A. , Thorogood, J. , A ; Tiffany, D. ( n.d. ) . Conceptual Design of a Cutting Edge Stem Cell Research Facility. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // on 15ThursdayMay 2014 Inamdar, M. S. , Healy, L. , Sinha, A. , A ; Stacey, G. ( 2012 ) . Global Solutions to the Challenges of Puting up and Pull offing a Stem Cell Laboratory, 830–843. Lyons, I. ; Tan, D. ; Schwartz, PH. ; Rao, M. Setting up a installation for human embryologic root cell research. In: Loring, JF. ; Wesselschmidt, RL. ; Schwartz, PH. , editors. Human Stem Cell Manual: A Laboratory Guide. 1. New York: Elsevier ; 2007. p. 389-413. Koppal, T. ( 2013, December 6 ) . Ask the Expert: Puting up a Stem Cell Culture Lab: Dos and Donts.Lab Manager. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // # .U37w6nb93D8 on 20ThursdayFebruary 2014 UK Stem Cell Tool Kit.Department of Health. Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // on 20ThursdayMay 2014 Wesselschmidt, R. L. , A ; Schwartz, P. H. ( 2013 ) . The Stem Cell Laboratory: Design, Equipment, and Oversight.NIH Public Access, ( 6 ) , 3–13. Young, L. , Sung, J. , Stacey, G. , A ; Masters, J. R. ( 2010 ) . Detection of mycoplasma in cell civilizations. Nature Protocols, 5, 929–934.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Glengarry and good faith essay part 2Essay Writing Service

Glengarry and good faith essay part 2Essay Writing Service Glengarry and good faith essay part 2 Glengarry and good faith essay part 2Glengarry and good faith essay part  1However, the film makes the audience think of true motives which drive people to launch the pursuit of wealth. Moss is apparently ready to steal shares to become wealthy, while Levene has a different motivation since he wants to save his daughter and commits the crime as the way to earn money for the treatment of his daughter. In this regard, the action of Levene does not look absolutely immoral, even though it is definitely a crime from the legal standpoint. However, the motive of Levene is justifiable from the ethical standpoint since the salvation of his daughter was a reasonable pretext for committing the crime.Moreover, Levene turns out to be forcefully involved into the crime by Ross, who schemed the crime and elaborated the plan. More important, it was Ross, who forced Levene to commit the crime. In such a situation, the ending of the film gives implications that business is very complicated and no on e can foresee what can happen next. For instance, Levene has got the offer from Roma to become his business partner, but as Levene has committed the crime he will definitely lose its opportunity. Such ending is probably the attempt of the director of the film to show that any crime leads to the punishment of the offender. However, such ending also gives implications to the injustice and evil nature of business. To put it more precisely, the main character, Levene is apparently ready to do everything to succeed but business turns out to be too cruel for him and he cannot find the right way to success.At the same time, the film shows that people are pursuing wealth as the main purpose of their life since wealth brings everything. For instance, Ross and other salesmen are looking for any opportunity to become wealthier than they are at the moment. Even Levene views the wealth as the way to save his daughter suffering from a serious illness. In other words, the wealth is the main purpos e of their life because they believe they can buy everything they want, if they have money.However, such worldview contradicts to many ethical theories, which tend to prioritize the morality over material benefits. In this regard, the film as well as the book shows the loss of spirituality. Joe, who grew up in a very religious family, where parents discussed salvation every day along with the price of tomatoes (Smiley, 59), cannot find his way to success because his spirituality and moral values raise unsurpassable barriers on his way to the successful business development because business has nothing to do with morality, ethics and spirituality. Similarly, the film depicts the main characters, who are absolutely deprived of spirituality. They have no moral values and norms that will guide them throughout their lives. Instead, they focus on ripping off all the money they can, even if they deceive or even steal money from other people.The total loss of spirituality becomes the mainst ream trend in the contemporary society and the book and film uncover this trend to the full extent. In such a way, they show that people become enslaved by their desire to become wealthy, whereas the wealth itself is worth nothing. At any rate, the main characters of the book and film view their business as the main point of their life, while there are issues which they cannot buy. For instance, the daughter of Levene is ill and he cannot buy health for his daughter. The problem is not the shortage of money but the problem is the lack of health and related problems his daughter has. However, he believes sincerely that money can solve all his problems.Furthermore, characters of the film and book have no other priorities in their life but their business. Even Joe, who grew up in the religious family, has lost his spirituality and he views believes of his parents ironically and he feels contempt to those beliefs of his parents. At the same time, his spirituality is probably not totally lost as is the case of Marcus because he is not ready to deceive his business partners so far.At the same time, it is worth mentioning the fact that the film and book uncover the degradation of morals of the contemporary society, where everything is for sale. The business brings people money but leads to the moral degradation. For instance, Marcus brings considerable changes to the community since he is the first person, who is absolutely free of any morals norms and values and he is ready to commit any act, including crime, if it makes him richer. Remarkably, community members learn fast to ignore any moral norms and values. The community steadily slips to adultery, disrespect to each other, offenses and the total loss of spirituality. Marcus changes the worldview of people in the community making them believe that they can make money from everything.The similar trend can be traced in the film, where the main characters are degenerates, who view deception as a norm and, more impor tant, they have made deception, scheming and abuse of moral norms an integral part of their life. They are just like Marcus ready to commit any crime, if it makes them richer. As a result, they eventually do commit the crime just like Marcus. In such a context, it is possible to trace the clear ties between crimes and desire of people to become wealthy. In their ultimate manifestations, those efforts to become wealthy end up in either the crime or disaster. Since offenders depicted in the film and the movie steal money from their business partners, while their business partners suffer from financial losses and face a risk of bankruptcy. In such a situation, the film gives a hop that the crime will be investigated and offenders will be punished but the director leaves the denouement in suspense intentionally to make the audience think whether there will be any punishment at all or, probably, the criminals will use one of their immoral schemes to avoid the punishment. For instance, Le vene has already tried to bribe Williamson twice. Therefore, he probably can try bribing the authorities to avoid the just punishment for his crime.In such a way, people turn out to be slaves of money and wealth but the main characters depicted in the book and film are apparently unhappy. The film and book show that the wealth does not make people happier. On the contrary, their anxiety grows stronger the richer they become. The main problem of the main characters of the book and the film is the deep-rooted belief that money can buy everything but this idea is intrinsically wrong and violates basic ethical norms. The pursuit of wealth dehumanizes people and they violate basic ethical norms. They fail to understand that there are things that are much more important than money, like health, family, happiness and others.Furthermore, the main characters of the book and film are conformists since they try to adapt to circumstances instead of changing them. They are looking for the easies t to resolve their problem, as was the case of Levene, who tried to talk to Williamson to persuade him not to fire him. Also Marcus prefers to steal money, when he has them at hand and when he sees the option to take the money and get away fast remaining unpunished for his crime. In such a way, the main characters of the book and film do not even think of changing their life or their environment. For instance, real estate salesmen in Glengarry Glen Ross do not even try to change their performance. Instead, they look for other options to stay in the company or in business. For instance, even Roma, who holds the leading position in the team, prefers to launch a new business to stay in business rather than trying to dissuade Williamson from changing the policy of the company. The salesmen are not ready to change the way they work and they will apparently keep deceiving their customers to earn more money.Thus, the film Glengarry Glen Ross and the book Good Faith depict the moral degrada tion of the main characters under the impact of the dominant culture oriented on the pursuit of wealth. The film and book reveal the destructive impact of the pursuit of wealth on the morality of people. In fact, business has the dehumanizing effect on the main characters since the most successful characters are the least moral ones.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Social contexts and the justification for punishment Essay

Social contexts and the justification for punishment - Essay Example (Zaibert, 2003) The societal justification for the punishment therefore is one of oldest issues which society has been contemplating in different contexts over the period of time. This paper will therefore describe the relationship between the social contexts and the punishment besides providing a discussion about how the concepts about punishment have evolved and why modern society has become tough. Social context is defined in different contexts however, over the period of time the exact definition has kept on changing. Social context is often also described as the circumstances surrounding any given action or story. Social context is also linked with the social identity or with different social variables such as gender, class etc. There are two possible explanations of the punishment and the social context i.e. retributivism as well as the consequationalism. Based on the social context such as gender, class or any action, retributivism suggests that punishment is due because a person deserves it. (Bedau & Erin, 2010) However, over the period of time, this idea has faded and the consequationalism emerged as one of the valid theoretical explanation for the connection between the social context and the justification for the punishment. Utilitarian beliefs suggested that punishment can only be justified if it has the value and use for the society. Punishment is also considered as a mechanism for the social control therefore over the period of time society has shaped the institutions and laws in such manner which can achieve the social control. (Fagan & Meares, 2008). Apart from this, the current day approach to get tough on the punishment therefore is based upon achieving the low rates of crimes. This has been therefore based upon the notion of achieving minimum level of deterrence. The current approach therefore is based upon the notion of achieving a correctional system which is rehabilitative in nature wherein those who commit crimes are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad Research Paper

Harriet Tubman and the underground railroad - Research Paper Example These people came out strongly to agitate for the rights and freedom of the blacks in the US and that they are considered just like any other American. Harriet Tubman Apart from the prominent personalities in the struggle for the liberation of the black man for the yolk of oppression and slavery in the US, Harriet Tubman remains one of those who in their little space fought oppression to the black and doing all what was necessary to free the slaves and fight for their rights. Childhood and Life as a Slave It is documented that Tubman was born in the 1820 and died in 1913. Tubman was a female from Maryland and later became a runaway slave making her to compare with the biblical Moses for the relentless fight she staged to help her people flee the oppressive regime that was instituted for the blacks in the US (Abnett, 2007). Tubman was involved in a risky act of using her own tact to free fellow slaves to freedom for a period stretching to over 10 years. At the time her birth, she was named Araminta Ross, she later changed her name to Harriet Tubman by combining her mother’s name and that of her husband respectively. ... It is this kind of torturous life style that Harriet developed the determination to gain her freedom and extend it to her fellow slaves in the US. Harriet also refused to cooperate with the authorities who wanted her to help punish other perceived offenders. For instance, she refused to cooperate with the authorities in punishing a fellow slave who was accused of encroaching into the store without the permission. This incidence made her sustain a permanent scar that she sustained throughout her life (Lantier, 2010). The culprit escaped punishment by fleeing and the weight hurled at him, he missed it and it fell on Harriet’s skull, it left a scar in her brain and became unconscious for several days and she later suffered from seizures in her entire life. When rumors went round that she was to be sold among other people, she had no option but to flee the site, they organized and left the camp on a night on foot through one of the white men who empathized with them. It is said th at she relied on the North Star for direction and used it to reach Pennsylvania. She later moved to Philadelphia where she was privileged to find work and saved money for her plans (Martin, Hoover, and Anderson, 2005). After her brief period in Philadelphia, she opted to return to Maryland with one main mission, helping free those under slavery, in that regard she started helping her family members out of the situation in the first trip of rescue. In her second mission, she freed her brother together with other two slaves and in her third trip, she was to free her husband but found that he was married to another wife , this did not work against her plans and she freed them together with other slaves who were seeking freedom and too them to the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Lessons learned from Hurricane Katrina - Essay Example The least government agencies can do now is to recognize areas of deficiency so that disaster management efforts in the future are better executed. The following passages will outline some of the key lessons the government can learn from Hurricane Katrina fiasco. One of the key failures is the response time taken by local authorities in getting personnel and other resources to vulnerable locations. In the case of Hurricane Katrina, authorities waited too long before taking a decisive action. In the future they have to move resources in a proactive fashion. It would be rather prudent to deploy resources in anticipation, even if they turn out to be unnecessary in retrospect, rather than waste precious time in red-tape and transportation. (The Washington Times, 2007, p.A03) As Katrina unfolded, vital issues such as food safety and protection of public water supplies were overlooked, as attention was diverted to more important activities. This resulted in pollution of drinking water sour ces to go with worser health and sanitation issues at shelters for evacuees. Also, the shelters were over-crowded due to a high volunteer turnover rate and un-anticipated inflow of victims. Streamlined distribution of volunteers to different shelters has to be improved. Valuable lessons can be learnt from defects in current practices: â€Å"Local contacts who were not part of the official response were found to be important resources.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Effect Of Capitalism On The Society Media Essay

The Effect Of Capitalism On The Society Media Essay The effect of capitalism on the society and culture has been an issue of great discussion since the time it emerged in Europe as a form of economic system in late 18th century. This issue of impact of capitalism on the society is an exception in terms of economic perspectives. In many ways, the cultural impacts outdo all other factors of the system. For the past two hundred or so years, Western civilization has been shaped by the impact of capitalism on the society. The impacts of capitalism on the culture are highly varied and therefore have created room for those who support the idea and also the detractors to challenge its bad effects. It is true that some aspects of society and culture can be seen to be as a result of capitalism. However, defining how and why an issue is said to be as a result of capitalism is quite necessary. Some of the major ideas connected to the study of the impacts of capitalism on the society and culture are beneficial, human, economical and desirable. The capitalist society has its backup on individual consolidation and ownership of the production means where the production of goods is directed by beneficial intention to fulfill human needs (Chapman, 2010). The first effect of capitalism is that of promoting culture of work. Capitalism intends to encourage all people to participate in activities that appear beneficial to them. This is what is perceived by many people as capitalisms most important attribute. Actually, this is a very important factor in the manner in which the system of capitalism has succeeded. A particular level, profit motive and competition that is encouraged the capitalists market system stimulates the system. The motive to act is the main factor in various products that are made by the capitalists societies. In a manner that the capitalist system is functional, however, the reward is not usually proportional the process of contribution. In a number of ways, the capitalism system is a case of winner taking it all hence encouraging stiff competition. In this case, the person at the top is getting a fair share of the reward that was collected everyone. The winner pockets more than what he collects, with the hope getting more than what he has collected propelling the competition forward. It is obvious that could be perfectly fair because any one can become a winner. No one is discouraged or discriminated from participating. In this competition, the case is that an individual who collects a lot is proportionally rewarded with the biggest share. In that perspective, it appears fare. It is apparent however that the amount obtained by the winner is determined by the value collected by everyone el se. The winner takes more than what he contributed as n individual and gets part of what the rest of the participants contributed. In the same way, working hard does not mean that one will win the contest because there are some elements of chance involved (Rosenberg, 1990). Working hard is likely to increase the chance of anyone winning the competition. In the perspective of such a competition does a modern capitalism process enhance progress and create opportunities. It is also by the same fashion that capitalism promotes some form of work ethic, although not exact because it is hard for an individual to know exactly the amount of reward he or she has or the amount held by his competitor. At the end of the day, everyone believes that the amount of reward being given is the same amount they had collected. This makes the first place winner believe that he has collected he has collected all the prize not realizing that any gold has been taken from their contribution. Apart from promoting the culture of work, capitalism can also promote the culture of desire. College textbooks define economics as the study of individual choice in using limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants. The market is limited by the number of thing that people want. This consequently creates a natural trend in the market system for those individuals who sell in the system to work so that they can increase the human need, leading to the development of the extra stronger needs hence expanding the market (Rosenberg, 1990). Whereas marketing is a direct expression of the idea, it actually encompasses the whole culture and reflects individual attitudes, general entertainment, education system, government policy and religious values. The coming up of the culture of desire led as a result of market capitalism has indeed been among the biggest transformation in the American society since its independence. A number of Native Americans believed in strict lifestyles with the Puritans being the most conspicuous example of this. The same Puritans never allowed dancing to take place and put on black attire and practiced cultural self denial. Of course, the Puritans were relatively in small groups particularly during the time of founding of the country. Initially, the average American was comparatively reserve in the early times. It is apparent that America was not a capitalistic nation in the early times because people were self-sufficient. A number of communities and individuals provided for themselves their needs and wants in a direct manner without any regard to the market system. During the early times, America was mainly a family farming nation until the mid nineteenth century (Marable, 2000). Consumer culture and advertising had become significant in the early twentieth century when the American capitalist economy started thriving. Later on consumer culture and advertising increased with the adoption of radio although it was not realistic until mid 20th century with much concern on the use of television and movies. In terms of analysis, it is obvious that a rational need for a particular commodity has been enhanced by the industry itself. However, it is the overall consumerism culture that has a bigger influence. All the social and media practices that improve the desire are generally embraced by the capitalistic culture due to the promotion of the need itself even when it is not directly related to the a certain product, enhances the culture of consumerism and a significant portion of advertising is not related to the promotion of a particular product, but generally about promotion of the culture of desire (Friedrichs, 2009). Emotional needs motivate animals to participate in acts needed for survival and procreation in the natural world. Human needs have developed for millions of years in an environment with fewer resources with strong motivations required to provide action in the face of risk. With the upcoming of human civilization, people have managed to alter the environment make resources that were hard to obtain in the ordinary world much easier to get. This has been taking place very fast over the last ten thousand years or so, with the capacity of people to obtain these resources faster has continued to increase with time. The same stimulating factor is present in the mans brain today as it was millions of years ago when the hominids were working hard to survive (Marable, 2000). This is for instance the reason why people nowadays have a strong affiliation to fatty food. Fats are historically scarce resources for people to get and are extremely high in terms of energy provision. The need for fats made people to look for resources that were very beneficial to their survival in a natural perspective and to choose the resources against alternatives when there was a decision to be undertaken (Friedrichs, 2009). It is very important to remind ourselves that economics is the study of individual choice in connection to limited resources. Fatty foods in America today are not scarce resources. In terms of making a decision, people are mainly forced by their needs to choose fatty foods over others even if the choice for such is not rational. Such acts have resulted in the capitalistic market economy concentrating on marketing and production of fatty foods which they can sell easily to people because of the instinctive desire they have. The culture resulting from marketing feeds on these works and needs to make them more (Pells, 1998). Traditionally, many religions have come up because of the effort to limit the overloading of the normal needs for selfish gains. The setting free and deepening of human passion and the need creates the desire, and that the same demand moves the goods off shelf to satisfy those needs, hence making profit for the sellers. Commercialization of sexuality, because sex is a basic human need, is the initial result of capitalistic market structure. There is a direct marketing of sexuality. However, sexual cues are also highly linked to non-sexual goods in capitalistic economies. By relating sexual signals with goods like cars for instance, the biological need is stimulated. People tend to believe that some products can be achieved by behaving in certain manner. Perhaps the marketing of sexuality to teenagers is the most controversial good of the capitalistic system. Since sex is among the highly primal and strongest forms of need, sexuality is one of the very effective tools hence highly sexually active culture is very open general consumerism. Therefore, capitalism encourages a highly sexually charged society (Pells. 1998). During the puberty stage, people are highly influenced by the marketing of sexual nature. This form of marketing aims at influencing the preteens and teenagers with very sexual media. This is not just in the perspectives of adverts, but all forms of media including stories, books and music. People are highly influenced by things they see and would want to imitate them and see the consequences of the same things when applied in real life situation. Without capitalism, the society would have experienced a different form of life that is full of limitation. Capitalism has enabled people to choose independently what they want for themselves without considering the moral perspectives related to such systems of lifestyles.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Publicity of Thought and Language :: Philosophy of Language

I try to clarify the ways in which one would seek to hold that language and/or thought are public. For each of these theses, I distinguish four forms in which they can be framed, and two ways of establishing them. The first will try to make the publicity of thought follow from that of language; the second will try to make the publicity of language follow from that of thought. I show that none of these strategies can do without the thesis that language and thought are interdependent, and that even while admitting this thesis, the second strategy presents more difficulties than the first. The sceptical problem of Kripkenstein pertains to both the notions of content of thought and linguistic meaning in such a way that if the sceptical solution allowed us to conclude that language is essentially public, then we should also be able to conclude that thought is essentially public. But, when addressing the question of the way in which one could, under this hypothesis, reach the conclusion that thought is essentially public, there would seem to be two possible types of answers. The first one is that this follows from the fact that language is a necessary condition of thought, thus: there is no thought without language, but there can be no language without there being more than one speaker, hence there can be no thought without there being more than one thinker. The second answer (which does not exclude the first) is that we should then be able to formulate a version of the sceptical solution which applies directly to the question of knowing under which conditions one is just ified in judging that someone has a certain thought, and that that thought is correct. But if an answer of this second type were possible, it would perhaps no longer be necessary to rely on the sceptical solution in order to conclude that language is public, for in all likelihood, this conclusion would follow from the fact that thought is public, together with the idea that thought is a necessary condition of language, thus: there is no language without thought, but there can be no thought without there being more than one thinker, hence there can be no language without there being more than one speaker. Hence, there seems to be at least three different ways in which one could try to reach the two desired conclusions.